Full / Part-time registered Massage therapist

Website Bridgwater Physiotherapy

multi-disciplinary clinic located in river heights

Bridgwater Physiotherapy (in River Heights) is seeking to hire a motivated massage therapist.  We are centrally located at 70-1580 Taylor Avenue in the heart of River Heights.


The candidate will have the opportunity to consult with  physiotherapists to optimize the rehabilitation of patients.

Currently we have a clientele list that is waiting to book with the successful massage therapist candidate.


The successful candidate must:

–        be a licensed RMT, in good standing with the provincial association

–        have professional liability insurance

–        be friendly, professional, reliable and punctual

–        have experience in customer service

–        be eager to learn and grow professionally

–        be hard working and goal oriented

–        work independently

–        have the drive to build their client base


Bridgwater Physiotherapy offers the successful candidate:

–        a busy caseload and direct referrals from our physiotherapists

–        ability to collaborate with other health professionals to optimize patient care

–        competitive percentage compensation

–        direct billing services

–        private rooms, treatment table, linens and on-site laundry

–        receptionist to book appointments


If you would like to be a part of this dynamic multi-disciplinary rehab team please contact us.  Please provide your cover letter and resume.




To apply for this job email your details to info@bridgwaterphysiotherapy.ca.